To honor the memory of a loved one.
Donation following treatment DOUBLE DONATION DESJARDINS
To express your gratitude to the doctors, nurses or other caregivers who have taken care of you or a loved one.
I support my hospital foundation DOUBLE DONATION DESJARDINS
To maintain and improve the health care services offered in your home.
There are so many ways to give!
- By participating in our annual fundraising campaign.
- By participating in our fundraising activities.
- By making a planned gift.
Protection of personal information
If you have any questions or concerns, if you wish to exercise your rights or if you wish to file a complaint regarding the protection of personal information, please contact the Foundation using the information below.
Memphremagog Hospital Foundation
819 843-2292, ext. 2623
Consult our privacy policy.
Consult our records retention and destruction policy. (in french only)
Consult our policy on handling complaints and dissatisfaction. (in french only)